Sunday, March 1, 2009


Francis Bacon believed that knowledge is human power, and there must be a separation of natural philosophy, science, and theology. Unfortunately, the church did not feel the same way.
Bacon's Four Idols go something like:
1.) Idols of the Tribe - the bias of human beings to jump to conclusions based on what is new or strange rather than investing time to understand what is true.
By this, Bacon means that we, as a community, choose what is fun, exciting and new, over what takes time and is the truth.

2.)Idols of the cave - Creating individual biases through the educational system.
This means that when one is teaching someone something new, they use biases to make them believe the way they want them to. The church does this quite often. Core: C house:: church: community

3.)Idols of the Marketplace - The language created to share knowledge.
By having one ultimate language, trade would not be in existence. Ex. Philosophy is more concerned with winning arguments rather than revealing truths.

4.)Idols of the Theater - The Christian west has given reverence to four or five Greek scholars and has ignored any other understanding of the world
Basically, the Church is not open to new ideas or knowledge, for it may contradict the Holy Bible.

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